How To Start Web Development?

Ming Gao
2 min readNov 5, 2020


This is for absolute beginners of web development. I’m going to write blogs for beginners to understand the basics of web technologies easily.

How website works?

To understand how website works, first you should understand Request, Response, Client and Server.

Basic flow how website works

Client is a web browser which opens a website. Whenever you enter a website url in a browser or click a button or a link it sends a Request to the Server. The server gets the request and return Response for the request. Then your browser shows a web page with the response. That’s it. For now, It’s enough for you to understand like this how a website works.

How browsers show web pages?

They’re using HTML, CSS and Javascript, which can be read by browsers. What are they and what are their roles?
Let’s imagine a website is a human.

HTML is a language to build a skeleton of a website.
CSS is a language to make a website beautiful.
Javascript is a language to make a website work.

To become a web developer, it’s essential to know html, css and javascript.
Want to learn them? Go to W3School or Tutorialspoint.
Those are the best tutorials for beginners to learn basics of every programming languages easily.


To find the tutorialspoint easily, do google search with “html tutorialspoint” .

This is another guidance for absolute web beginners.

When you learn html, css and javascript you can make a web page which can be shown in web browsers. What to do next? You should decide what kind of a web developer you’re going to be. There are 3 types of web developers — Front-end developer, Backend Developer, and Full-stack Developer. You should select your skills based on your decision.

Enjoy your journey!

